

We are pleased to welcome you to our site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), which is accessible by the URL address, and which is edited by CHRISTOFLE SILVER, INC., a French simplified company with shares (Société par Actions simplifiée), with capital of 5,950,000 euros, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Nanterre under number 562 063 263, VAT ID No. FR 01 562 063 263, having its registered office located at 191, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine, FRANCE, (hereinafter referred to as "CHRISTOFLE").
The director of the publication is Mrs Emilie VIARGUES METGE, Chairman and General Manager.
The person in charge of editing is Mr. Pierre LEURQUIN, the E-commerce Director.
The Site is hosted by ADOBE COMMERCE CLOUD, 4-6 Riverwalk - City West Business Campus, Saggart, Dublin 24 - Ireland..
Access and use of the Site are subject to the following terms and conditions and the general conditions of use (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Conditions").
The User hereby acknowledges having been notified upon entering the Site of the existence of the Conditions and of the necessity of reading them prior to any use. The fact of accessing and surfing on the Site constitutes full and total acceptance by the User of the Conditions and the subsequent commitment to comply therewith. Any and all modifications shall enter into force and effect for all the Users upon being put on line. CHRISTOFLE in fact reserves the discretionary right to modify all or part of the Site and, in particular, the Conditions, at all times and without notice, in particular in order to comply with any new regulations or for the sake of improvement. Accordingly, if you do not accept all or part of the Conditions, you shall not be authorised to access the Site or continue its use.



The Site and each of the components comprising it (such as the texts, photographs, trademarks, logos, illustrations, animations, graphic representations, diagrams, clips, videos, domain names, etc.) are protected throughout world by intellectual property rights and the right of personality in force and all other laws and, unless otherwise provided, are the exclusive property of CHRISTOFLE or shall be used with authorisation of their owner.

Reproduction of any and all documents published on the Site shall be authorised solely for information purposes, exclusively for use that is strictly personal, domestic, educative and private, and provided that no modification of the Site is made and the trademarks and copyrights © are maintained intact.

Any other use of the Site or one of the components comprising it, whether wholly or partially, in particular by means of downloading, reproduction, transmission or representation, broadcasting, posting, distribution, integration into a derivative work, and the making of copies for any other purposes, in particular of a public and/or commercial nature, is expressly prohibited, regardless of the manner and purpose, as well as their alteration.

No provision of these Conditions may be construed as conferring, by CHRISTOFLE and/or any other person or entity, whether implicitly or in any other manner whatsoever, a license or any other right concerning the Site and each of the components comprising it.



The User is liable to furnish data that is personal in nature. This provision of information is optional and subordinated to the express consent of the User, who is previously and duly informed thereof. If the User decides to communicate personal data, the obligatory or optional nature of the field to be filled out shall be clearly indicated. If the User is not desirous of communicating such data, it is possible that CHRISTOFLE may not be able to handle the User´s request.
This information enables CHRISTOFLE, on the one hand, to handle Users´ requests, and on the other hand, to more effectively meet their expectations, to carry out marketing analyses and to be able to send them information concerning CHRISTOFLE products by e-mail, if they so expressly request.
Such information is intended for CHRISTOFLE´s personnel. All such persons are subject to confidentiality commitments and must respect the privacy of the User. CHRISTOFLE neither sells nor renders such information accessible to any third parties, unless obliged to do so by law or regulation.
Any and all personal information that the Users would transmit to CHRISTOFLE is subject to the provisions of Law no. 78-17 Data Processing and Liberties of January 6, 1978, as amended by the Law of August 6, 2004. This Site is declared to the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l´Informatique et des Libertés - National Commission for Data Processing and Liberties) and bears number: 1038357 and our data base has been declared under number 1256518.
In this regard, the User holds a right of access, modification, elimination and opposition to the processing of your personal data and their use for canvassing. The User may exercise his rights at all times and without cost, by sending a letter to ORFEVRERIE CHRISTOFLE, Service Marketing - Données Personnelles, 191, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine, FRANCE or an e-mail to The time to precess such a request is 4 to 6 weeks.
CHRISTOFLE undertakes to implement reasonable security measures to protect personal data and make it accessible only for CHRISTOFLE and/or CHRISTOFLE Group companies. However, it is expressly recalled to the User that no transmission of data by the Internet is fully protected from intrusion by third parties for whom they are not intended and that CHRISTOFLE cannot be held liable therefor.



CHRISTOFLE remind you that the Children´s Online Privacy Protection Act took effect in USA on April 21, 2000, and pertains to websites directed toward children under 13 years of age. CHRISTOFLE does not collect informations on any person under 13 years. CHRISTOFLE asks that children do not submit information to us without the consent of a parent or guardian.



CHRISTOFLE wishes to install a cookie or tracer in the hard disk of your computer. A "cookie" or "tracer" like this will not enable us to identify you. On the other hand, it registers information about your computer on the Site (frequency of visits, pages consulted, date and time of consultation, actions on site, etc...) that we can read during your subsequent visits. We use this information to analyse your browsing on our site, making it more effective and measuring the efficiency of communications with Users. The cookie or tracer is also valuable for customising user actions and offers improved ease of use for each new contact. The time for which information supplied by the cookie or tracer is kept will be one year at most.
We remind you that you can refuse the recording of cookies on your computer either by deleting the cookies or tracers stored on your computer or by setting up your computer accordingly. Please bear in mind that some features offered on the Site will then be unavailable when the cookies have been disabled.

For Mozilla Firefox:

- Choose the "Tool" menu then "Options"
- Click on the "Privacy" icon
- Locate the "cookie" menu and select the options that suit you

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0:

- Choose the "Tools" menu (or "Tools"), then "Options Internet" (or "Internet Options").
- Click on the "Confidentialité" (or "Confidentiality") tab- Select the desired level using the cursor.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5:

- Choose the "Tools" menu (or "Tools"), then "Options Internet" (or "Internet Options").
- Click on the "Sécurité" (or "Security") tab
- Select "Internet" then "Personnaliser le niveau" (or "Custom Level")
- Locate the "cookies" section and choose the option that suits you

For Netscape 6.X and 7.X:

- Choose the "Edit" - "Preferences" menu
- Confidentiality and Security
- Cookies

For Opéra 6.0 and beyond:

- Choose the "File" - "Preferences" menu
- Privacy



The User hereby acknowledges that any and all unsolicited information, communications or content transmitted to CHRISTOFLE via the Site, such as, in particular, suggestions, data, comments, testimony, questions, answers and other similar messages (with the exception of personal data relating to the User), including ideas, concepts, know how and techniques shall be treated by CHRISTOFLE as being non confidential information and free of any rights, unless CHRISTOFLE has previously and expressly so consented to this in writing. The User shall warrant that such information does not violate any rights of third parties and/or any regulations or laws. The User is and shall be solely liable for the content of the information transmitted to CHRISTOFLE.

The User hereby acknowledges that by sending such communications, he grants CHRISTOFLE a perpetual, irrevocable, non exclusive, world wide, assignable license to such Information, free of charge once it is sent. CHRISTOFLE has no obligation to reply to or acknowledge receipt thereof, and shall have only an option to use it and not an obligation.

In this regard, the User agrees that the content of his dispatch may be used by CHRISTOFLE without any financial compensation due the User or any other person, reproduced, represented, modified, disclosed, published, posted, edited, copied, translated, distributed, adapted, regrouped, assigned to any third party of its choice, or transmitted to anyone whomsoever, whether alone or integrated into other work, on any media whatsoever, current or future, for any and all purposes, and in particular, but not limited to, for the promotion, advertising, development and marketing of products or any other business purpose.



The CHRISTOFLE Web site may include links to other Web sites or other Intert sources. It is hereby provided that CHRISTOFLE has not verified all the other sites that might be linked to its own site, and has no control concerning their accessibility, content, advertising, products, services, policy with respect to confidentiality and protection of personal data, actions of these sites, information appearing therein or any other available material on or from these external sites or sources.

To the extent that CHRISTOFLE cannot control these sites and external sources, CHRISTOFLE may not be deemed to have given its guarantee concerning such sites and/or their content, and furthermore may not be held liable for any reason whatsoever for the making available of these external sites and sources, and shall not bear any liability concerning the content of the external sites or sources and/or the use made thereof by the User. Recourse to these sites by the User shall be under the User´s sole responsibility.

Furthermore, CHRISTOFLE may not be held liable for any proved or alleged damages resulting from or having a relation to the use or with the fact of having confidence in the content, and the goods or services available on such external sites or sources.

The creation of hypertext links towards any Web pages of the Site or the components comprising the Site shall be prohibited unless with CHRISTOFLE´s written, express and prior authorisation. This authorisation may be revoked at all times, without notice and without any indemnity for any reason or of any type whatsoever. Any and all sites having a hypertext link towards the Site or any component comprising the Site are not under the control of CHRISTOFLE. CHRISTOFLE accordingly refuses any and all liability concerning the access, content, advertising, and products or services available on the sites linked to CHRISTOFLE´s Web site. For all authorisation requests, contact us as the following address: or by sending a letter to ORFEVRERIE CHRISTOFLE, Service Marketing - Données Personnelles, 191, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France.



CHRISTOFLE shall endeavour to maintain its Site accessible, without however any obligation to do so. It is thus provided that access to the Site may be interrupted for reasons of maintenance, security, updating and other reasons.

CHRISTOFLE shall do its utmost in order that the information accessible by means of its Site is accurate, exhaustive, precise and up-to-date. Nevertheless, the information contained in the Site shall be communicated "as is" and "depending on availability".

CHRISTOFLE does not give any warranty, express or implied, concerning all or part of the content of its Site and/or its technical functioning. In this regard, CHRISTOFLE cannot warrant in any manner whatsoever that the content of the Site put on line and its use are exempt of any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, and bugs, malicious software (virus, Trojan horses, ...), defects, interference with rights of third parties, and that it is adapted to a purpose or particular use. CHRISTOFLE does not undertake in any event that it shall be remedied.

In no case may CHRISTOFLE be held liable, for any reason whatsoever, for any direct and/or indirect, property, moral, real, special or incidental damages, whether as a direct consequence or indirectly, whether or not consequential, or any other damages, including in case of deprivation of enjoyment, operating loss, loss of profits, or loss of data, caused by, arising from or connected to access or impossibility of access to the Site, and/or the use of all or part of the Site and/or credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the Site, regardless of the type of damage, its cause, origin or consequences, even in the case where CHRISTOFLE had been previously warned of the possibility of such damages.

CHRISTOFLE may not be held liable for any reason and in any manner whatsoever, and consequently shall not the bear the costs thereof, if the use of the Site or its content were to engender for the User any damage compelling it to be assisted or causing it to repair or replace all or part of the hardware, software or data base.

By accessing the Site, the User consents, unreservedly, to access and use this Site at its own risk.

As certain jurisdictions do not accept the exclusion of implied warranties and/or the exclusion or limitation on liability, the aforesaid exclusions may not apply to you.



The conditions of use hereunder shall be governed and construed in accordance with the US laws and American Courts, except for imperative constraints as described in the Regulation CE number 593/2008 of June 17th 2008 about the applicable law of contractual obligations. French courts shall have territorial jurisdiction for any disputes connected to access and use of the Site, except when is applicable the Regulation CE number 44/2001 of December 22nd, 2000 about the legal competence, the recognition and the execution of the civil and commercial decisions (Bruxelles I). The French version of these conditions alone shall prevail.



Unless otherwise provided, the sole purpose of the content of the Site is to promote CHRISTOFLE and/or its products. CHRISTOFLE does not warrant that all or part of the Site is adapted to all the countries of the world or available to be used in all countries. The User hereby consents, unreservedly, to access and use this Site at his own risk, and is requested to comply with the regulations in force and effect in his country, it being understood that access to the Site and use of its content may be considered as being unlawful for certain persons or in certain countries. The CHRISTOFLE products presented on the Site are representative of the CHRISTOFLE collection. Not all of the CHRISTOFLE products are presented on this Site. Not all of the products presented on this Site are available at all the CHRISTOFLE points of sale. The design of the products may be changed without notice.

The CHRISTOFLE products are sold solely within the framework of a selective distribution network at approved points of sale and/by CHRISTOFLE.

The fact that CHRISTOFLE has not required the application of any clause of the Conditions, whether in a permanent or temporary manner, can in no event be construed as a waiver of CHRISTOFLE´s rights arising from said clause, or as a waiver of the application of any other clause.

In the case of failure to comply with any of the terms of these Conditions, CHRISTOFLE reserves the right to terminate, forthwith, access and use of the Site, notwithstanding any possible recourse against the User. The User hereby acknowledges having been notified thereof and shall destroy any and all copies he might have made of the content of the Site.

Non-contractual photos - Photos are not indicative of actual size.

For any and all inquiries relating to the Site and/or these Conditions, please send us an e-mail at the following electronic address: or by sending a letter to ORFEVRERIE CHRISTOFLE, Service Marketing - Données Personnelles, 191, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France.



The Company, Orfèvrerie Christofle, a Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS) with capital of €5,950,000, registered at the Nanterre Register of Trade and Companies under the number B 562 063 263 having its registered office at 191 avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neilly-Sur-Seine – FRANCE; intercommunity VAT number FR 01 562 063 263 (referred to hereafter as “Christofle”), designs, manufactures and sells high-end silverware in the fields of Table art, the Home, Gifts, Jewellery and Personal Accessories.

Alongside the Christofle Boutiques and its distribution network, Christofle wanted to offer its customers a system for the online sale of a selection of its products, via its e-commerce website accessible in both French and English on the website (hereafter the “Website”).



These Terms and Conditions of Sale, which set out inter alia the procedures for ordering, paying for, delivering and possibly returning Christofle products, are applicable to all sales of Christofle products completed via the Website, for delivery only in continental US and Canada.

Consequently, the customer declares that he has read these Terms and Conditions of Sale before placing his order. In this respect, for every order placed on the Website, the customer must confirm his acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale by checking the box “I agree with the Terms and Conditions of Sale”. This validation at the time of ordering therefore constitutes acceptance, without restriction or reservation, of these Terms and Conditions of Sale and waiver of the right to invoke any other terms and conditions not expressly agreed between Christofle and the customer.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 1369-1 and 1369-4 of the French Civil Code, these Terms and Conditions of Sale may be saved on a computer and/or printed by the customer.

These Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be applicable as long as they appear on the Website. Christofle may amend and update these Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time, being specified, however, that the applicable Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be those in force on the date the order is placed by the customer as formally accepted by the customer.



The online sale of Christofle products on the Website is exclusively reserved for end users, i.e. customer consumers, as defined by Law and case law, acting exclusively for their own account and domiciled in Metropolitan France, including Corsica and Monaco in Italy, in Germany, in Spain, in United Kingdom, in Belgium, in Luxembourgand in the Netherlands. 

The customer shall bear the telecommunication costs for Internet access and use of the Website.

Within the framework of the online sale of its products, Christofle shall establish a database of its customers which will list certain personal information required for the registration, processing and follow-up of orders, such as inter alia:

- e-mail address, surname, first name, address, telephone number, date of birth;
- password;
- delivery address and billing address. 

In order to be able to buy a product on his first order, the customer shall be required to open a customer account and complete an order form setting out certain compulsory fields so that his selection may be processed by Christofle. Subsequently, and for any new order, the customer shall identify himself via his e-mail address (user ID) and password, the confidentiality of which he shall be responsible for protecting, by clicking on the “IdentificationConfirm” icon.

The information provided by the customer when opening his customer account or during each of his orders must be complete, accurate and up to date. Failing this, Christofle shall not be in a position to fulfil the orders. If the customer does not wish to provide such information, Christofle shall not be in a position to respond favourably to his order.

This database was the subject of a declaration made to the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés), in accordance with the provisions of French law n° 78-17 of 6th January 1978 relating to data protection, amended by law n° 2004-801 of 6th August 2004. The information that it contains may be communicated in full or part only to those Christofle service providers involved in fulfilling orders.

The customer is hereby informed that this same information is also collected by a body responsible for combating bank card fraud as contained in the “Payment terms” section hereafter.

The customer has a right to access, amend, correct and delete personal information concerning him collected and processed by Christofle. He may exercise this right at any time and without cost by sending a letter to ORFÈVRERIE CHRISTOFLE SAS, Service Marketing – Données personnelles, 191 avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine, FRANCE or an email to All of these particulars may be consulted by the customer by clicking on the “Confidentiality policyPrivacy Policy” icon displayed on the Website.



For every Christofle product selected and added to “My basketBbag”, a summary page will be displayed, showing a photograph of the product, its description and reference, the quantity chosen and, if applicable, the associated engraving, the unit price, the engraving price if applicable, the delivery price and the total order price. 

Christofle takes the greatest care and ensures the greatest accuracy in the presentation and description of the products offered on the Website (including photographs, designs and previews of the engraving) within the limitations of the technique and the IT equipment used and in compliance with the best market standards. However, it is possible that minor errors may exist on the Website, which the customer acknowledges and accepts. Customers may contact Christofle Customer Service either by clicking on the “Customer Service” icon or by calling the telephone number provided on each Webpage of the Website for any additional information or questions that they may wish to ask before ordering products. In any case, in the event of non-conformity of the delivered product in relation to its description on the Website, Christofle undertakes to correct this error: the consumer may either exercise his right of withdrawal, or implement the Christofle conformity guarantee according to the terms and conditions set out hereafter.

The customer may check the details of his order and its total price described in “My Bagsket” and, where applicable, correct any errors, before finally validating his order and formally expressing his acceptance by clicking on the “Place order” icon. After validation, the order is sent to Christofle for processing. It may no longer be amended and/or cancelled save under the terms and conditions expressly stipulated in these Terms and Conditions of Sale or under the terms and conditions required by the law in force.

In the event of prolonged inactivity when logged on to the Website (sixty minutes), it is possible that the selection of Christofle products chosen by the customer and added to “My Bagsket” before this inactivity will no longer be guaranteed. The customer shall then be invited to repeat his selection of Christofle products from the moment he logged onto the Website.

A summary of the order, in French for customers domiciled in Metropolitan France and in English for customers domiciled in Italy, in Germany, in Spain, in United Kingdom, in Belgium, in Luxembourg and in the Netherlands, shall be sent to the customer without delay at the email address provided by the customer. To this end, the customer formally accepts the use of email for the summary by Christofle of the content of his order. The Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be attached in PDF format to this order confirmation email. By retaining this email and/or printing it, the customer holds proof of the order which Christofle recommends he retain. The customer must notify Christofle Customer Service immediately of any errors and/or omissions contained in this summary. Moreover, the customer will be able to access the history of his order(s) by clicking on the “My Account” icon.

This email contains, inter alia, all the information provided by the customer in addition to the price and the time limits for payment accepted, with an indication, as the case may be, of any difficulties or reservations raised by the order. Furthermore, upon delivery, the customer shall receive, for each of the products, written confirmation, inter alia, of the price paid and the delivery costs charged.

The information recorded by the Website as summarised in this email constitutes the proof of all the transactions between Christofle and its customers.

Pursuant to article L134-2 of the French Consumer Code and its implementing decree, when an order involves a sum equal to or greater than €120, Christofle shall retain the document which embodies the contract by email for a period starting from the conclusion of the contract until the date of delivery of the item and for a period of ten years starting from that date. The customer shall have access to this document subject to a simple request made to Christofle Customer Service. Moreover, and irrespective of his order amount, the customer may view the invoice of his order(s) by clicking on the “My Account” icon.

Christofle reserves the right to refuse and/or cancel any order of a customer with whom there was a dispute relating to a prior order or for any other legitimate reason and, in particular, if the customer infringed these Terms and Conditions of Sale.

All the orders placed on the Website are intended solely for the personal use of customers. The customers or recipients of the products are prohibited from reselling the ordered Christofle products in part or in full.



The price in Euro of the Christofle products presented on the Website includes VAT (incl. VAT), excludes engraving costs, where applicable, and excludes delivery costs. Any change in the rate of VAT shall be passed on immediately to the sale price in Euro of the Christofle products offered for sale on the Website, it being specified that the products are sold at the current rates as displayed on the Website on the day the order is placed.

The price in Euro (incl. VAT) of each of the products that the customer wishes to buy, in addition to the amount of the carrier costs for their delivery, shall be communicated to him when he places his order on the Website in “My BasketBag” before validation of his order and in the email summarising the order that shall be sent to him by Christofle. Moreover, on delivery, the customer shall receive, for each of the Christofle products delivered, written confirmation of the price paid in Euro detailing the price in Euro of the Christofle products and the delivery costs in Euro relating thereto.

Product and price offers are valid as long as they are visible on the Website, and insofar as stocks are available.

For this purpose, indications as to the availability of products are provided to the customer when he is placing his order. Errors or amendments may exist in exceptional circumstances, especially in the case of simultaneous orders of the same product by several customers. Should a product be unavailable after you have placed your order, Christofle shall inform the customer of this by email as soon as possible, proposing that the customer either order another product presented on the Website as a replacement, or that he cancel the order. If the customer chooses to cancel his order, a refund shall be issued no later than 30 days from payment if the customer’s bank account has been debited. 

Christofle reserves the right to change the products and the prices of the products offered on the Website at any time and without prior notice, it being specified that those offered for sale and their corresponding prices shall be those in force when the order is placed, as accepted by the customer when validating this latter.



Any order placed on the Website must be paid for by the customer immediately after the validation of the order by debit from his bank account by clicking on the “Pay now” icon.

Orders may be paid for by bank card only, in Euro only and the following credit cards are accepted: Visa®, Eurocard®/Mastercard®, American Express®, issued on bank accounts domiciled in Metropolitan France, including Corsica and Monaco, in Italy, in Germany, in Spain, in United Kingdom, in Belgium, in Luxembourg and in theNetherlands.

The bank card shall be debited in Euro when the order is placed and the payment process is completed by the customer in the secure payment environment integrated into the Website by Ogone. Therefore, the customer authorises his bank in advance to debit his account in view of the records or statements sent via the payment module, even in the absence of invoices hand signed by the card holder. The Christofle products ordered remain the property of Christofle until the price has been collected in full by Christofle.

To this end, the customer guarantees Christofle that he is the card holder and that the name displayed on this bank card to be debited is indeed his own, then provides, in a secure environment on the Internet, the sixteen-digit number and the expiry date of his bank card, in addition to the numbers on the signature strip on the back of his bank card.

Within the framework of Internet payments, and in order to combat Internet fraud, a control shall be carried out online with competent banking establishments and bodies, examined via the system of the company Ogone. It is hereby specified that Christofle does not collect and does not retain the details of customers’ bank cards. 

Information concerning payments is subject to an automatic data process separate from that of Christofle and managed by Ogone. The customer has the same rights as those granted by Christofle concerning the processing of data and in order to exercise them, the customer shall contact Ogone at the following address:

In the case whereby, for any reason whatsoever (opposition, refusal of the forwarding office etc.), the debit of the sums owed by the customer proves impossible, the purchasing process on the Website shall be cancelled.



The products bought on the Website may only be delivered to the address provided by the customer on the order form in Metropolitan France, including Corsica and Monaco, in Italy, in Germany, in Spain, in United Kingdom, inBelgium, in Luxembourg and in the Netherlands. Any delivery address located outside this territory or corresponding to a post office box shall be refused during the online ordering process.

Christofle products bought online shall be delivered to the customer’s address no later than three (3) working days starting from the day after the order has been placed for Metropolitan France, including Corsica and Monaco, Italy, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, subject to payment in full of the price in principal and other charges.

If the order is not delivered on the delivery deadline indicated, the customer may, after a period of seven (7) days, ask for the sale to be cancelled and for a refund of all the sums paid.

Several methods of dispatch, in addition to their respective rates and delivery times, shall be offered to customers:

-         delivery either by Chronopost for Metropolitan France, including Corsica and Monaco,
-         delivery either by courier via Cergy Course Express for inner-city Paris only, and
-         delivery either by DHL for Italy, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg and theNetherlands.

Delivery by courier via Cergy Course Express is applicable for inner-city Paris only and provides same day delivery for any order placed before eleven (11) am or the following morning for an order placed after eleven (11) am. 

The price lists of dispatch payable by the customer will be detailed in the procedures for ordering.

After dispatch of the ordered Christofle products, Christofle shall send the customer a dispatch confirmation email, in French for customers domiciled in Metropolitan France and in English for customers domiciled in Italy, in Germany, in Spain, in United Kingdom, in Belgium, in Luxembourg and in the Netherlands, and an order tracking number.

It is recommended that the customer check the conformity of the products at the time of delivery and, in particular: either, indicate any anomalies noted on the delivery slip, in the form of handwritten reservations accompanied by his signature, or contact Customer Service by email at, or contact Customer Service by telephone (33)2 35 05 99 58 the monday to friday from 10AM to 6PM, or send Customer Service a letter detailing the defect or the non-conformity noted.

No defective and/or non-conforming item may be exchanged before being sent back to and received by Christofle. The product must be in its original and complete condition.



The customer benefits from a withdrawal period of 14 whole days starting from the date of receipt of the Christofle products ordered on the Website. He must return the Christofle products at his cost, in their original and complete condition. To do that, the customer has to call our customer service : (33)2 35 05 99 58 the monday to friday from 10AM to 6PM, or has to send an email to

Christofle products that are returned incomplete, modified, spoiled, damaged and/or discoloured through the action of the customer shall not be refunded. Moreover, a Christofle product that has been personally engraved at the request of the customer may not be returned under the right of withdrawal. Indeed, pursuant to article L121-20-2 3rd point of the French Consumer Code, the customer does not have the right of withdrawal for “goods made to the consumer's specifications or substantially personalised […]”.

Subject to compliance with the time limit and reservations noted above, Christofle shall pay a refund of all sums advanced by the customer, including the initial delivery costs invoiced by Christofle to the customer, into the customer’s bank account corresponding to the bank card used on the day the order was placed, within 14 days of the date on which the right of withdrawal was exercised.

With regard to the use of the “Gift Service”, the benefit of the right of withdrawal belongs exclusively to the customer who placed the order and this right of withdrawal may not be exercised by the recipient of the gift under any circumstances. 

In the event that the terms and conditions set out above for exercising the right of withdrawal have not been respected but the product has been sent back to Christofle by the customer, the customer may have the returned Christofle products re-delivered, at his cost, in the condition in which they were returned to Christofle.



In the event of non-conformity of the Christofle product delivered to the customer, the customer may request that Christofle: repair or replace the product or, failing the said repair or replacement of the product within a period of thirty (30) days after the request has been made by the customer to Christofle, refund the price of the product ordered on the Website and under the following terms and conditions.

In any case, the products must be returned. To do that, the customer has to call our customer service: +1 (360) 777-5260, or has to send an email to
Christofle products that are returned incomplete, used, modified, spoiled, damaged and/or discoloured through the action of the customer shall not be refunded.

Subject to compliance with the time limit and reservations noted above, Christofle shall pay a refund of all sums advanced by the customer, including the initial delivery and return costs, into the customer’s bank account corresponding to the bank card used on the day the order was placed, within thirty days of receipt by Christofle of the returned products.
In any case, these provisions do not deprive the customer of the benefit of the legal guarantees set out hereafter.



For any request for information, to track his order, to exercise his rights or any claims, the customer may contact Christofle Customer Service at this address: Orfèvrerie Christofle SAS – Service Client e-commerce – Route de Duclair 76480 Yainville – FRANCE and on the non-premium rate number +1 (360) 777-5260  from Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 6 PM or by email at the following address:




The Christofle products sold on the Website are subject to the terms and conditions for French legal guarantees stipulated by articles L211-4, L211-5 L211-12 and L211-13 of the French Consumer Code and by articles 1641 and 1648 paragraph 1 of the French Civil Code.

Article L211-4 of the Consumer Code
The seller is required to deliver a product which conforms to the contract and is held liable for any lack of conformity which exists upon delivery.
He is also held liable for any lack of conformity caused by the packaging or the assembly instructions, or the installation if he assumed responsibility thereof or had it carried out under his responsibility. 

Article L211-5 of the Consumer Code
To conform to the contract, the product must:
1. Be suitable for the purpose usually associated with such a product and, if applicable:
- correspond to the description given by the seller and have the features that the seller presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;
- have the features that a buyer might reasonably expect it to have considering the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, including advertising and labelling;
2. Or have the features defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any special requirement of the buyer which was made known to the seller and to which the latter agreed to.
Article L211-12 of the Consumer Code
Action resulting from lack of conformity lapses two years after delivery of the product.
Article L211-13 of the Consumer Code
The provisions of the present section do not deprive the buyer of the right to bring an action on account of latent defects as provided for in Articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code or any other action of a contractual or extracontractual nature to which he is entitled under the law.
Article 1641 of the Civil Code
A seller is bound to a warranty on account of the latent defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it was intended, or which so impair that use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would only have given a lesser price for it, had he known of them.
Article 1648 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code
The action resulting from redhibitory vices must be brought by the buyer within a period of two years following the discovery of the vice.



All the elements (texts, images, drawings, models, logos, visuals, animations, videos, etc.) of the Website are and remain the exclusive property of Christofle. It is expressly prohibited to reproduce, operate, circulate, use and/or modify, in full or in part, for any reason whatsoever and by any means whatsoever, any one of the said elements and/or create works derived from them. 

The “Christofle” brand, and more generally all the other brands, illustrations, images and logos featuring on Christofle products, their accessories and/or their packaging, whether registered or not, are and shall remain the exclusive property of Christofle. Any total or partial reproduction, distribution, transmission, modification and/or use of these brands, illustrations, images and logos, for any reason or on any medium whatsoever, without the express and prior agreement of Christofle, is strictly prohibited.

The same applies to all authors’ rights, copyrights, drawings and models, patents and domain names which are the exclusive property of Christofle. 

No hypertext link to the Website is authorised without Christofle’s prior, express agreement of.

Any reproduction or representation, in full or in part, of the Website or any one of the elements featured thereon, constitutes an infringement and may incur the civil and criminal liability of its perpetrator.



The performance by Christofle of all or part of its obligations shall be suspended in the event that an exceptional circumstance or a case of force majeure occurs which hinders or delays the performance thereof. Such cases are, inter alia, without this list being exhaustive, war, riots, insurrection, social unrest, total or partial strikes, including transport, of any kind, interruption in production, interruption in the supply of energy and/or electricity and Christofle supply problems.

Christofle shall inform the customer of such exceptional circumstances or cases of force majeure within fourteen days of their occurrence. In the case whereby this suspension continues beyond a period of fifteen days, the customer will then be entitled to cancel the current order, and will then be refunded according to the terms and conditions set out above.



Christofle may not be held liable for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as inter alia the loss of data, intrusion, virus, disconnection, Internet network interruption, or other problems beyond its control.



The fact that Christofle refrains from requiring the performance of any one of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Sale at any given time may not be interpreted as constituting a waiver of the right to subsequently invoke the said total or partial non-performance.



If any one of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Sale is declared null and void in full or in part, the other provisions and the other rights and obligations arising from these Terms and Conditions of Sale shall remain unchanged and shall still be applicable if their application is not rendered impossible.



These Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to French law unless otherwise stipulated by mandatory provisions such as those arising from Regulation (EC) n°593/2008 of 17th June 2008 regarding the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I).

Any dispute likely to result in the interpretation and/or performance of these Terms and Conditions of Sale, and failing amicable agreement, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts, unless Council Regulation (EC) n°44/2001 of 22nd December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I) applies.



All models are the exclusive property of Christofle.
Non-contractual photographs.
Any reproduction, partial or total, without the permission of Christofle, is prohibited.



Xavier de Bascher, Stéphane Garrigues, Peter Knaup, Claude Weber, Patrick Mouna, Vincent Thiber et Gwenaëlle Dautricourt, Jean-Michel Kollar,, Jean Oddes/David Silva, and Christofle





Andrée Putman © Brigitte Baudesson
Andrée Putman © Xavier Béjot – Tripod Agency
Andrée et Olivia Putman © Xavier Béjot
Jean-Marie Massaud © Pierre Monetta
Marcel Wanders © Anja Van Wijgerden
Ora-Ito © Ellen Von Unwerth





The Brand

© : Lifestyle photographs
© Vincent Thibert : Arborescence Candelabra


The Brand

© : Lifestyle photographs

The Design

© : Lifestyle photographs
© Luc Boegly : Panels and doors designed by Christian Heckscher, manufactured by Christofle and exposed in Genève Intercontinental
© DR : Golf club
© Alain Gelberger : Straws

The Know-How

© Claude Weber : photographs of Christofle Workshops in Normandy
© : Lifestyle photographs

The Heritage / Legacy

© Christofle Archives: photographs in B&W and drawing
© Jean-Michel Kollar : portrait of Charles Christofle
© Stéphane Garrigues : Teapot
© Patrick Lazic : Louvre Museum


© Claude Weber : photographs of Christofle Workshops in Normandy
© Jonas Bresnan : visual advertising for Collection 925 bracelet
© : Lifestyle photographs

The company

© : Lifestyle photographs
© Claude Weber : photographs of Christofle Workshops in Normandy




Proposition 65 Warning: Consuming foods or beverages that have been kept or served in leaded crystal products or handling products made of leaded crystal will expose you to lead - a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.