
~Art of sharing~ クリストフルを贈る。それは、あなたがいつも大切な人のそばにいるのだという永遠のメッセージ。



Offer Her...




christofle フォトフレーム9x13cm リュバン  シルバーコーティング


フォトフレーム9x13cm リュバン シルバーコーティング





卵型のケースを開けると、スプーン・フォーク・ナイフ・コーヒースプーンが6本ずつ計24本収納されています。 まるでインテリアのようなカトラリーセット「ムード」は、発売以来クリストフルのベストセラー商品です。
The Perles Flatware Collection

The alignment of beads in halfrelief is typical of Louis XVI ornamentation. This classic and feminine design outlines the contours of the flatware like a pearl necklace.

The Mood Family

A decorative piece with a compact shape, MOOD By Christofle is a streamlined, comtemporary and universal statement, in a silver-plated service for six. MOOD By Christofle brings to the table the promise of conviviality and moments to remember.

Jardin d'Eden

The Jardin d´Eden cutlery collection was created in 2010 by Marcel Wanders studio, a great name in contemporary design. Baroque, the exuberance of its decor breaks with the characteristic refinement of the house.




christofle 手付きトレイ 20x16cm ヴェルティゴ  シルバーコーティング


手付きトレイ 20x16cm ヴェルティゴ シルバーコーティング


The origins of Mother's Day

Every year we celebrate our mothers to thank them for the care, protection and love they give us. This tradition has existed since ancient times: the Greeks celebrated Rhea, the mother of the gods, and the Romans began to pay tribute to women and mothers during the "Matraliae" as early as the 5th century BC.


In the 15th century, the English instituted the "Mothering Sunday", which was to become very popular throughout the world. In France, the first official "Mother's Day" was celebrated in Lyon in 1918 before becoming a national holiday in 1950. It is then definitively fixed to the last Sunday of May.


In the United States, the American Mother's Day was born in 1908 on the initiative of Anna Jarvis, who wanted to honor her own mother and all mothers. She succeeded in having this celebration adopted as a national holiday in 1914, by a decision of Congress.


Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey and Russia have followed the tradition established by the United States to celebrate their national mothers.

Mother's Day 2021 dates

Mother's Day is celebrated all over the world, but sometimes on very different dates. Here is a little guide to help you find your way around:


In France, Mother's Day 2021 is set for May 30, the last Sunday in May. However, the Spanish and Portuguese will inaugurate the festivities on May 2, while for the vast majority of other countries in the world, such as Belgium, Italy, the United States, Switzerland, Germany, or Canada, Mother's Day will be celebrated on May 9. Finally, Luxembourg will end the ball on June 13th.


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers around the globe!