Review the basics
French-style service, like English service, requires that the knife be placed on the right of the plate, the fork on the left. Let's go back in time to discover its origin. The fork is invited to the table in 1324 at the court of Charles IV the Fair. Its use is moderate at first: it is used to eat foods that cannot be grasped with your fingers, such as baked apples. The fork flourished in the Medici era, when high-ranking people wore huge wavy ruffles around their necks, the famous "strawberry". The fork then prevents staining. The knife, meanwhile, appeared long before. Very sharp, it was used to prick food to bring it to the mouth. With the arrival of the fork, its tip gradually rounded. He nevertheless continued to keep his place even if it is now the fork that stings food. This is why just now your guests will cut from their plate, one of the slices from your 7 o'clock leg, a knife in their right hand, a fork in their left hand.