Shopping Options
  1. 01 - Dining 1 item
  2. 01 - Flatware 1 item
  3. 02 - Knives 1 item
  4. 02_ - Art of table 1 item
  5. 09 - Serving trays 2 items
  6. 105 - Salad serving bowl 2 items
  7. 106 - Bowls 1 item
  8. 107 - Vegetable dishes with cover 1 item
  9. 110 - Cheese boards 2 items
  10. 112- Pie plates 1 item
  11. 113 - Gravy boats 3 items
  12. 115 - Pastry stands 6 items
  13. 116 - Other plates 8 items
  14. 121 - Chinese soup bowls 4 items
  15. 123 - Chinese spoon 3 items
  16. 130 - Red wine glasses 2 items
  17. 131 - White wine glasses 4 items
  18. 133 - Water goblets 1 item
  19. 140 - Tea cups 5 items
  20. 141 - Coffee cups 4 items
  21. 142 - Espresso cups 1 item
  22. 145 - Tea pots 3 items
  23. 147 - Coffee pots 3 items
  24. 148 - Hot beverage servers 1 item
  25. 149 - Thermos flasks 3 items
  26. 153- Cream pitchers 5 items
  27. 154 - Sugar bowls 6 items
  28. 155 - Butter dishs 6 items
  29. 156 - Cheese / Jam dishes 4 items
  30. 168 - Round trays 2 items
  31. 174 - Salt and pepper 4 items
  32. 175 - Centerpieces 6 items
  33. 177 - Knive / chopstick rests 8 items
  34. 179 - Oil and vinegar cruet 2 items
  35. 18 - Plates 3 items
  36. 180 - Other table accessories 3 items
  37. 191 - Bread baskets 3 items
  38. 192 - Fruit baskets 1 item
  39. 194 - Cups 1 item
  40. 196- Caviar sets 4 items
  41. 197 - Caviar servers 1 item
  42. 198 - Caviar spreader 1 item
  43. 20 - Asian bowls and sets 2 items
  44. 23 - Carafes 2 items
  45. 300 - Champagne flutes 2 items
  46. 354 - Cups 1 item
  47. 460 - Trays 3 items
  48. 462 - Trays 20x16 cm 2 items
  49. 471 - Cups 2 items
  50. 487 - Kiddouch glasses 1 item
  51. 72 - Boxes 1 item
  52. 800 - Kettledrums 1 item
  53. 811 - Napkin rings 11 items
  54. 95 - Dinner plates 5 items
  55. 96 - Soup-cereal bowl 4 items
  56. 97 - Dessert plates 7 items
  57. 98 - Underplates 5 items
  58. 99 - Bread plates 7 items
  59. Place Card Holders 1 item
Gravure express
Best Seller

Products 40-78 of 206

per page
  1. christofle Mustard Jar Albi  Silver plated


    Mustard Jar Albi Silver plated

  2. christofle Butter dish  Albi  Silver plated


    Butter dish Albi Silver plated

  3. christofle Gravy boat  Albi  Silver plated


    Gravy boat Albi Silver plated


Products 40-78 of 206

per page