Shopping Options
  1. 04 - Cutlery set for 6 4 items
  2. 106 - Bowls 1 item
  3. 107 - Vegetable dishes with cover 1 item
  4. 110 - Cheese boards 2 items
  5. 113 - Gravy boats 1 item
  6. 115 - Pastry stands 2 items
  7. 132 - Water glasses 1 item
  8. 165 - Rectangular trays 2 items
  9. 168 - Round trays 3 items
  10. 177 - Knive / chopstick rests 2 items
  11. 19 - Platters 1 item
  12. 191 - Bread baskets 2 items
  13. 302 - Champagne buckets 2 items
  14. 303 - Champagne buckets 2 bottles 2 items
  15. 304 - Chanpagne bucket stands 1 item
  16. 333 - Long drink glasses 1 item
  17. 341 - Coctail stirrers 1 item
  18. 344 - Ice buckets 1 item
  19. 362 - Aperitif cutlery set for 6 1 item
  20. 401 - Picture frames 9X13 cm 3 items
  21. 402 - Picture frames 10X15 cm 7 items
  22. 403 - Picture frames 13X18 cm 7 items
  23. 404 - Picture frames 18X24 cm 1 item
  24. 404 - Picture frames other sizes 1 item
  25. 408 - Torches 3 items
  26. 409 - Candelabra 2 lights 2 items
  27. 410 - Candelabra 3 lights 1 item
  28. 411 - Candelabra 4 lights 2 items
  29. 412 - Candelabra 5 lights 3 items
  30. 417 - Candelabras 1 item
  31. 418 - Photophores 2 items
  32. 433 - Large vases 1 item
  33. 434 - Vases 1 item
  34. 460 - Trays 3 items
  35. 462 - Trays 20x16 cm 3 items
  36. 464 - Trinket tray boxes 7 items
  37. 487 - Kiddouch glasses 1 item
  38. 600 - Rings 14 items
  39. 601 - Bagues jonc 2 items
  40. 61 - Candelabra and candleholders 1 item
  41. 610 - Necklaces 5 items
  42. 612 - Short necklaces 1 item
  43. 614 - Earrings 4 items
  44. 630 - Cufflinks 3 items
  45. 631 - Bracelets 1 item
  46. 633 - Rings 1 item
  47. 640 - Key chains 7 items
  48. 644 - Pill boxes 1 item
  49. 662 - Business cards trays 1 item
  50. 811 - Napkin rings 10 items
  51. 813 - Children tableware gift sets 2 items
  52. 84 - Necklaces and pendants 1 item
  53. 99 - Bread plates 1 item
  54. Espresso spoons 2 items
  55. Dessous de plat 1 item
Gravure express

Products 40-78 of 145

per page
  1. V
    christofle trivet, silverware - vintage 1


    Trivet, Silverware - Vintage

  2. Engraving
    christofle silver plated picture frame - for 29,7x21 cm photos 1


    Silver-Plated Picture Frame

  3. christofle pill box uni  silver plated 1


    Pill box Uni Silver plated

  4. Engraving
    christofle Silver-Plated Napkin Ring
  5. Engraving
    christofle Silver-Plated Napkin Ring
  6. Engraving
    christofle Silver-Plated Napkin Ring
  7. Engraving
    christofle sterling silver picture frame - for 13 x 18 cm photos 1

Products 40-78 of 145

per page